Monday, December 22, 2008

Go where the people are

The age of relying on old marketing methods like print advertising, yellow pages, direct mail, etc, is starting to fade away. Whether you like it our not, you as a business owner or service provider have to start thinking outside the box when it comes to Marketing your business. You have to take advantage of where the people are. Today you will find most people on the internet and on Social Networks like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,, etc. You have to develop a strong marketing plan like you would using the traditional methods that would help reach your target audience in the most cost effective way. I found a great site on the social network concept. It breaks down how to get aclimated with all that is out there today. I would love the opportunity to sit down with any business owner and show you a game plan that will work for you. You can't be rigid when it comes to marketing. Just because you don't use the internet doesn't meant that your clients don't. It is 2009, You need to have an active, visiable, searchable web presence. Let's sitdown and get a game plan going for the new year.

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